Compact Dry™ Prepared Media Plates - 54068-CS

Compact Dry™ is a simple and safe procedure to determine and quantify microorganisms in food and beverage, raw materials, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries and internal environmental monitoring. The ready-to-use Compact Dry™ chromogenic plates are suitable for both in-process and final product controls.

  • Ready-to-use
  • Self-diffusing media - no need for a spreader
  • Room temperature storage vs competitive products with storage at temperatures less than or equal to 8ºC
  • Rigid transparent plates with removable lid - no leakage
  • Innovative stacking design
  • Easy to label
  • Ability to subculture without damage to colonies
  • Widest available parameters and broadest application
  • Convenient, fast and accurate results

The Gram-positive bacterium Bacillus cereus is able to produce long lasting spores and is commonly found in soil and water. Therefore, it enters the food processing chain relatively easy. B. cereus can spoil foods; furthermore, its emetic and diarrheagenic enterotoxins cause vomiting and diarrhea after consumption. Routine testing procedures for B. cereus are thus recommended.

Compact Dry™ BC plates are incubated at 30 °C for 24 hours. Due to the chromogenic substances in the medium, B. cereus grows as green-blue colonies. If bacteria other than Bacillus cereus grow on the plate, they usually produce white colonies. The non-pathogenic organism Bacillus thuringiensis which is a close relative to B. cereus has the same biochemical properties. It can therefore also grow and produce green-blue colonies on Compact Dry™ BC.

Part number: 54068-CS
Attribute nameAttribute value


Model :Compact Dry™ BC
Pathogen :Bacillus cereus
Incubation :30°C for 24 hours AOAC PTM Compact Dry LS 36°C for 24–48 hours Compact Dry LM 37°C for 24–48 hours Compact Dry SL 42°C for 20–24 hours Compact Dry ETC 37°C for 20–24 hours Compact Dry AQ 36°C for 48 hours Compact Dry YM 25°C for 5–7 days AOAC PTM Compact Dry TCR 35°C for 24 hours AOAC PTM Compact Dry VP 35–37°C for 20–24 hours Compact Dry ECO 3
Quantity :Case/1400