Viscosity Dip Cups
Our Viscosity Dip Cups are used to determine the flow time of paints, coatings, enamels, oils and other similar liquids. A twelve inch looped stainless steel handle allows the cup to be dipped by hand into a liquid container, delivering 44 cc's of liquid sample through a precision orifice. At the top of this handle is a stainless steel split key ring for aligning the cup in a true vertical position when conducting tests.
To conduct a test, measure and record the temperature of the material that is encompassed by the cup. At the same that the cup is withdrawn from the material, start a timing device. Carefully observe the efflux stream and at the first distinct break in the stream near the base of the cup stop the timing device. Record the number of seconds of efflux, including the cup type and number.
Cup #s 1 and 4 qualify for certification under ANSI/NCSL Z540 or ISO/IEC 17025, ISO 9001, and are calibrated with standard "G" series oils traceable to the National Institute of Standards & Technology.
Cup #s 2, 3 and 5 comply with ASTM D 4212, D816, D1084.
Each Viscosity Dip Cup is furnished with a conversion table relating cup efflux time to the nearest tenth of a second to viscosity in centistokes.
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